Computing Project Proposal

To: Professor Ryan Lizardi & Students in IDT 507
From: JoAnna Niles
Date: 10/20/19
Subject: Module 4: Computing Project Proposal

This memo will discuss design goals for Module 4: Computing


For this module, I want to share a comparison of Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0


This project is intended for use by students and instructors of the IDT 507 Information Technologies course.


This project will be used with the WordPress blogging platform with a sharable link.


The infographic will be a side by side comparison of the two technologies and I will embed it on the WordPress blog I created.

Theoretical Model

I’ll share how the Uses and gratifications theory and Affordance Theories relate to this topic.

Rough Mockup

The infographic will be a side by side comparison of the two technologies and I will embed it on the WordPress blog I created.