21st Century Information Technology Final Memo
TO: PROFESSOR RYAN LIZARDI FROM: JOANNA NILES DATE: december 1, 2019 RE: MODULE 5: 21st Century Information Technologies Final Memo This is a final memo for the 21st Century Information…
TO: PROFESSOR RYAN LIZARDI FROM: JOANNA NILES DATE: december 1, 2019 RE: MODULE 5: 21st Century Information Technologies Final Memo This is a final memo for the 21st Century Information…
Below are the topics discussed in the video below: What is a Digital Native Pros & Cons of Digital Technologies in the Classroom Comparison of Previous Generations Learning Styles to…
TO: PROFESSOR RYAN LIZARDI & STUDENTS IN IDT 507 FROM: JOANNA NILES DATE: 11/10/19 SUBJECT: Module 5: 21st Century Information Technology Project Proposal This memo will discuss design goals for…
TO: PROFESSOR RYAN LIZARDI FROM: JOANNA NILES DATE: NovemBER 3, 2019 RE: MODULE 4: Computing FINAL MEMO In this memo, I will discuss how I arrived at a final design…
Uses and Gratifications & Affordance Theories with Web Web 2.0 Web 2.0 both use the applies the Uses and gratifications and Affordance theory. According to our reading, there are "three…
To: Professor Ryan Lizardi & Students in IDT 507 From: JoAnna Niles Date: 10/20/19 Subject: Module 4: Computing Project Proposal This memo will discuss design goals for Module 4: Computing…
To: Professor Ryan Lizardi From: JoAnna Niles Date: October 13, 2019 Re: Module 3: Electronics Final Memo For this module, the feedback from my peers had me rethink some…
From entertainment and politics to protests on war and civil rights a lot of social change happened during the 1960s in America. This module will share how the use of…
To: Professor Ryan Lizardi & Students in IDT 507 From: JoAnna Niles Date: 9/29/19 Subject: Module 2: Electronics Project Proposal This memo will discuss design goals for Module 3: Electronics…
To: Professor Ryan LizardiFrom: JoAnna NilesDate: September 15, 2019Re: Module 2 Pre-Telegraphic Memo For this module, the feedback from my peers had me rethink some of the considerations from my…
In this course section, we are interested in exploring how telegraphy, telephony, and broadcasting coincided with a transformation of communications behavior, as well as changing definitions of home, work, neighborhood,…
Focusing on the information technologies of today, this course section will explore the remediation of older forms of communication into the digital world and examine changing social and communicative practices…